Tuesday, August 25, 2015


                  What the Hell is up with our Military?


                        Jade Helm, what's it really about? Do you believe all the stories going around about our Government doing practice exercise, or is there really a gigantic comet is about to hit our earth? Is the Military getting positioned for Martial Law and trying to get the public use to seeing the military in the streets. I think it's something a bit more devastating.  The Presidents book of Secrets holds so much information that has never become public knowledge or never will be. Area 51, The Illuminati and much more.  If  one person became aware or found out me kind of way that it was all true, who would believe the Rants and Raves of a nut.
Well, for one I would. I had a friend in the military who was a pilot for the Army. When I met him, he was in the process of moving his family from JBLM to Illinois. I asked if he'd had family there he said no. I asked if there was any special reason that he would just pick up and move half across the united states, taking only his clothing and gun safe, and he replied, "There's going to be bad times ahead for the united states, the closer to water you are, the worse off you'll be. Besides, all Ill need is my guns for what's comin...It's gonna be bad".
We have been warned for years to stock pile. Medical water canned goods and take other safety precautions. We have all seen the long military convoys and Wal-Mart trucks convoys. Do you actually think our military is going to tell you to prepare for a disaster?, I think not. They will be doing what they've been doing for hundreds of years. Covering their own asses and worrying about no one else. Get your head off the boob tube and start paying attention to your surroundings, if you plan to be around in the next 10 years.

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